Kitchen Witchery Make Your Own Fermented Food Workshop
Soolah will host a workshop and help you learn how to create your own fermented foods & beverages. You’ll learn the benefits of these foods for your overall health and well-being. Soolah will also include information about how to do a second ferment for the kombucha and milk kefir to add flavor to your fermented beverages.
Soolah will help you get started on your Kombucha Tea, Sauerkraut and Milk Kefir by providing the kombucha mother, tea and spring water, sauerkraut brine ingredients and raw milk & kefir grains for a nominal fee.
$10 for the food items based on what you choose to create. 2 Mason Jar if you need one.
Please choose what you would like to create so I can prepare your fermented food item: